Draper Auctions LLC is a professional licensed auction firm. We pride ourselves on our guarantee of honesty and integrity.
We specialize in both on-line and on-site auctions.
Founded in customer service as our number one priority, buyers and sellers alike will always enjoy a pleasant auction experience and a professional hassle-free sale. We consider our contracts as partnerships with our clients. Our well-trained staff strives to market your auction both professionally and dynamically to ensure a maximum return for everyone involved. From our initial consultation through the final gavel let Draper Auctions work for you to achieve topmost benefits.
Auctions are competitive which allows our customers the opportunity to achieve the maximum value for their property. Whether you are looking for a better return on your property, need to liquidate a business or an estate, or need to sell real estate and personal property quickly, maximize your potential with Draper Auctions.
Contact us today to see how we can help!
“Fantastic and compassionate communication”
Kaiah B.
“Thanks for a quick smooth transaction. Pleasure doing business”
Kyle Z.
“Steve is a good honest person…I felt comfortable doing business with him and most certainly will do it again”
Perry D.
“Wonderful interpersonal skills…honest and sticks to his word”
Jane H.
“Exceptional customer service”
Donna G.
“Very honest and accurate…Highly recommended”
Chee C.